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Summer 2022 We Care Miscoe Projects & Volunteer Efforts: ~ Diane



1.      DOORS: Finished painting remaining 40 interior doors (doors that open from the hallway into a classroom or Common Area) and the trim surrounding doors and hallway openings in the 6/7th grade rear hallway. *  There were a combination of wooden and metal doors that each required specific cleaning and preparation work, so they were ready to be primed.  Doors and Trim received 2 coats of Scuffix paint.  Communication was maintained with the custodians, and we worked together to schedule a timeline of painting that didn’t conflict with the school's summer work schedules. Custodians provided us with “back up” when needed to secure tools, ladders, vacuums, etc.and assist volunteers if needed.  Special thanks to JT and their crew for their support.   All cleaning, prep and painting work was performed by WCM volunteers.  Painting tools (brushes, rollers, wands, tape, drop cloths, etc) donated by Koopmans, WE CARE provided our painting tools and leftover primer from lower 5th grade hallway and MURSD paid for approximately $600 in paint supplies.


*In total, we have painted almost 200 doors in the school. MURSD provided additional funding of $1000 in our first year (2019) to paint the front 5th grade wing, the 8th grade wing (and both lobby areas (main entrance and gym entrance).  In 2020 (the first year of Covid), we were not able to be in the schools during the summer.  Summer of 2021, we completed the lower 5th grade Hallway.  This summer, 2022, we were able to provide touch up on all of the blue and green doors.  We were not able to touch up red.  It is recommended that all doors get a touch up each year and teachers are reminded to not use tape/3M materials on the doors as it pulls off the paint.   This has been an issue in the past. 


Benjamin Moore Colors for Each Hallway: Scuffix Satin*


5th front and ramp- Bedford Blue (1679)

5th Lower- Blue Spa (2052-40)

6th/7th- Clearspring Green (HC128)

8th- Raspberry truffle (2080-10)

Lobby Areas- Fiddlehead Green 2041-20)  (aka Miscoe Green)


*All extra door paint is stored in the WE CARE Miscoe area in the Bowling Alley.



2.      SIGNAGE: Painted Remaining Classroom Signage to match newly painted doors in lower 5th, 6th and 7th grade rear hallways.  Majority of preparation and paint work performed by Dina Neveux, WE CARE Miscoe volunteer, then a team of 20 painters came in to finish off painting the raised lettering/numbering on signs.  Dina rehung all the signs prior to school starting.  The aesthetic benefits of matching doors and signs is remarkable.  Hallways are brighter, appear more current and inviting.  WE CARE Miscoe funded this very inexpensive, but incredibly impactful, project. 



3.      LOBBY REFRESH-  This project involved several meetings with several volunteers and Jen Mannion/Nick Cuomo prior to implementation.  In fact, it truly began back in 2019.  The committee needed to identify the problems with the space and determine the scope of our project. (Financial constraints) It involved recruiting skilled labor/volunteers (interior design, carpentry, painting, signage, electrician). securing funding through the Upton Men’s Club and utilizing additional volunteers for individual painting projects.  The project goals were to increase pride and functionality in the space.  Focus was on brightening up space to make the area more welcoming, implementing consistent colors scheme (miscoe Green, gray and black), installing new MH logos, improving signage for visitors and maintaining art wall for student art displays. Also, installing seating and a new bar height charging station/table for students.  This was done by recruiting skilled parents. Stacey Oliva (Interior Design) developed our vision, Zac Pelc, parent, oversaw the prep and painting of the brick wall, Mark Machado and Joe Bonapace provided the carpentry skills to build the bench, table and new lobby wall and framed area.  Johnny Lindquist will be our electrician for installing new outlets for a student charging station, Chris Moran donated and installed MH logo on sign and on wall and Lou Corriera was our carpenter who created several new prideful and directional signs in lobby.  Our largest project to date that has truly transformed the space into an aesthetically pleasing space that not only instills a feeling of pride for staff, students and parents, but also showcases student art and projects and incorporates proper signage to direct visitors.




I just printed out our 2022 SIGN UP GENIUS reports (which aren't 100% accurate due to last minute cancellations or because they brought along a friend who didn't sign-up using the website).  Here are the highlights:


•            Over the summer, we filled 260 2-3 hr. time slots working on these 3 projects.

•            Volunteers donated 604 work hours (conservative approximation).  This does not include time donated by Large Scale Volunteers (see below)

•            93 volunteers filled these slots. (Many volunteers came with their students and students' friends which would make that number higher)

•            1 volunteer signed up 10 slots throughout the summer, Andrea Lucey, providing nearly 30 hrs of time.

•            Troop 1 Scouts- provided 8-10 volunteers for 2 evenings contributing 60 hours of service.

•            YNIA (Young Neighbors in Action from st. Gabriels Church)- provided 8 volunteers for 1 evening contributing 24 hrs of service.


Large Scale Volunteers (donated 20+ hours) I included addresses for Thank you letter.



Stacey Oliva 64 Washington St. Mendon (has donated 20+ hours for 3 years and was the interior design vision behind Staff Lounge, Student Lounge, SPED Office and Lobby Project)

Lou Corriera 98 High St. Upton (has donated 20+ hours for 2 years creating 2 Lobby signs, a bookshelf for forgotten items and will be working on an additional Theater Project)

Mark Machado 17 North St. Upton (has donated 20+ hours for 2 years creating Women’s Locker room Cubbies and new bench/table in Lobby)

Dina Neveux 80 Milford St. Upton (has donated 20+ hours in 3 years refurbishing all of the school's classroom signage)

Mike Neveux 80 Milford St. Upton (has donated over 150 hours to the district in leading our Door Painting Efforts.  He provided logistical planning, prepping and painting doors in 2019 and 2021) 

Steven Aubut 7 Massasoit Way Mendon Along with Mike Neveux, Steven co-led our Door Painting project all 3 years, donating over 100 hours to this endeavor.

Joe Bonapace 30 Cassie St. Uxbridge (has donated 20+ work hours in 1 year designing new “wall” in lobby, purchasing supplies, demolition and recreation and painting of new wall

Zac Pelc 34 Washington St. Mendon (has donated 20+ hours in 1 year prepping brick for paint, and overseeing/painting Lobby brick several times to ensure quality)


Chris Moran 29 Lovell St. Mendon Chris Moran Design donated the materials and installation of 1 normal sized logo decal for our new Miscoe sign and 1 oversized logo for our new Lobby display



Upton Men’s Club- John Moore, President, 44 Barbaras Path Upton- Provided $3,100 in funding for the Lobby Project


Troop 1 Mendon Jason Kuter, Scoutmaster 129 Blackstone St. Mendon (SCOUT volunteers)


Young Neighbors in Action Laura Nadolski, Coordinator 73 Hartford Ave South. Upton (YNIA volunteers)




Koopman Paint, Matt Listenfelt, Manager, 209 West St. Milford, MA 01757 Provided paint for Lobby projects and all tools and supplies for Door painting. (Approximate value $620)

Repeat Volunteers 2022 only: (5+ visits)


Bonina Family 44 Plain St. Upton

Duncan Family 15 Wood Dr. Mendon

Andrea Lucey

Donna Shilale

Maddie Orff

Avery Allcock

Jenna Keneavy

Amanda Pajak

Meta Delgiannides

Melissa LaMotte

Owen Thompson (and his mom)

Dominique Ross

Jessica Powers

Katelyn Stelle


WE CARE Miscoe Projects 2019-

DOORS- Painted 200 doors during the Summer’s of 2019, 2021 and 2022.  We were able to clean, prepare approximately 200 doors to accept 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of Scuffix paint.  Additionally, the trim for all of these doors (and transoms) were cleaned and prepped to accept 2 coats of paint as well.  All labor done through volunteerism and the leadership of Mike Neveux and Steven Aubut, 2 parents in the district that easily donated over 100 hours a piece in logistical planning, prep and painting. Funding came from WE CARE Miscoe, MURSD and Koopman Paint.


Benjamin Moore Colors for Each Hallway: Scuffix Satin*


5th front and ramp- Bedford Blue (1679)

5th Lower- Blue Spa (2052-40)

6th/7th- Clearspring Green (HC128)

8th- Raspberry truffle (2080-10)

Lobby Areas- Fiddlehead Green 2041-20)  (aka Miscoe Green)


*All extra door paint is stored in the WE CARE Miscoe area in the Bowling Alley.


SIGNS- Painted over 125+ signs in School- Dina Neveux, parent volunteer, has led this ongoing effort from 2019-2022.  She brainstormed a way to improve signage, tested methods, prepped all of the signs by cleaning and painting and utilized volunteers to paint the raised numbers and letters white.  The result is eye-catching, easy-to-read signage that matches the doors throughout the school.  Truly transforms the hallways making them look cohesive and current.


Teacher’s Lounge Refresh- Our very first project. Summer 2019  We wanted to let our teachers know that we genuinely cared about the conditions that they must work in. Our classrooms are in rough shape, so we wanted to make improvements to their Teachers lounge so it would be a more prideful, calming, get-away space for them.  Stacey Oliva, Interior Designer (residential)  and Michelle Rubin. Interior Design (commercial) provided the leadership.  We were able to plan out the space to improve function and aesthetics.  We added paint, a Student Art wall, new furniture for relaxing and small groups and plants helped to warm up the space. The kitchen area was improved.  The sink and counter was raised (it sat at a preschool level) and expanded for more space, new countertops and a larger sink was installed.  Better storage was created.  A new mural was added.  The kitchen area was stocked with additional Kuerig’s and supplies.  Inspirational signs were left on tables.


Landscaping Day- October 6, 2019.  Led by Laurie Holloway (8th Grade Science teachers) and two parents/local landscapers, Chris Collins and Bryan Lewinsky, this small team walked the grounds to assess areas for improvement.  We were able to identify a new location for the recycle dumpster to the rear of the school, push along a MURSD project to add much needed parking spots and determine new landscaping for existing areas.  We worked with Weston nurseries, who offered us 50% off all plants/trees and landscaping supplies, to pick out some new natural materials that would enhance the appearance of the school in the future.  On Oct. 6, 2019, we hosted a “WCM Landscaping Day”, publicized it through the districts distribution channels, on Facebook and in the Town Crier to invite citizens, parents, staff & students to join us for a day (or a few hours) to pitch in, plant, dig, help out!  Local gardening organizations and parents also donated plants to add to the landscaping.  We had over 100 people sign up.  Muffin House provided free food and beverage.  DD’s provided free beverage.


Student Lounge- Fall 2019 This multi-purpose space toggled between storage, overflow and academic use.  It was often cluttered and lacked pride.  Under the guidance of Stace Oliva and Michelle Rubin (interior designers), they questioned the administration/guidance office of how they would like to use this space.  Given the feedback, they created a new floor plan.  Based on design recommendations, Miscoe students (with the help of Gym Teacher Billy McInnis) painted the room a new soothing blue color, the windows were frosted to provide separation from the cafeteria and new furniture and decor was brought in to increase the aesthetics of the space.  It is now a more prideful and functional multi-purpose space used for lunch overflow, academics, small groups and an “escape” space for students who are struggling emotionally during their day. 


Trophy Case Improvements- 2021 Billy McInnis and Scott Glassman, our 2 athletic teachers, took on this project to improve the pridefulness of our Athletics Lobby.  They painted the old wooden cases, removed all materials to organize, added prideful logos and lettering and are currently reinstalling artifacts in a prideful way.  It was done in Miscoe Green to create a consistency with color scheme for our school.


Inspirational Mural in Cafeteria-  June 2019 Painted  by Troop Girls Scout Troop 64528, Upton.  With guidance from their troop leaders, 14 Girl Scouts planned the art work for the large rear wall in the cafeteria.  Their goal was to promote inclusiveness, opportunity, diversity and a celebration of individuality.  Their plan was approved by the principal and installed in June 2019.


Inspirational Murals for 6/7 Bathroom, Girls- Summer 2019 Led by Troop 12806. Mendon, Under the guidance of Troop leadership, the girls brainstormed and planned out inspirational messages and images to be painted on bathroom stalls and walls.  The result was an aesthetically pleasing, positively uplifting bathroom environment.  The stalls were preserved with polyurethane to protect against any vandalism.  As of 2022, the stalls and walls are exactly as they were when installed.


Inspirational Signs for 8th Bathroom, Girls- 2019 Led by Heather McCourt, Miscoe Teacher-  Heather planned out the inspirational messaging and images to make this space a place of positivity.  It was installed in the Summer of 2019.


SPED Office Makeover- Summer 2021. Led by Stacey Oliva, this project was sparked by a request from a Miscoe Guidance Counselor to improve the conference room where parents work with staff to determine a students accommodations to meet their special education requirements.  The conference room was combined with the Director/Asst. office space and felt cluttered and distracting.  The SPED staff worked with Stacey Oliva to talk through issues and goals of the space.  Stacey developed a floor plan that sought to separate office space from conference space.  It included plans for a calming color scheme, more prideful and functional furniture, a new floor plan and better work flow.  Volunteers completed all of the painting over Summer 2021 and the custodians at Miscoe moved all furniture into it’s new places  Color schemes were unified, plants were added.  The space is transformed and is conducive to focused productive meetings with parents as well as a positive working environment for SPED Staff. 


Women’s Locker Room Improvements- Summer 2019. Although more work needs to be done in this space, our improvement focus began with addressing storage issues.  The “old” space had rusty shelving that was neither prideful nor functional.  We began with cleaning out the space to determine what type of storage system the area could accommodate and what would work best.   Mark Machado, parent and carpenter hobbyist, stepped in and provided a vision for the area.  In his home workshop throughout the summer, he built and installed 9 solid oak cubbies for the women’s locker rooms as well as an additional bench and hanging storage unit.  This new “furniture” is well protected and set to stand the test of time.  We also replaced all of the changing stall curtains with new prideful “Miscoe” green and white curtains.  The space still needs further attention but it is without question a transformative improvement for function and pride of this space.


Men’s Locker Room Improvements- Summer 2019. This area at the rear of the school was in need of new storage and greater pride.  The defunct shower stall in this space is often used for storage of unneeded equipment in the school which detracts from the overall space.  We chose to address storage needs in the main locker area and Jeremy Stewart, MURSD parent and owner of Sawmill Construction,  built and installed 10 new cubby units with a variety of storage options as well as a bat storage box.    The result is greater pride and function.  More work toward installing athletic pride needs to be done.


Lobby Improvements- Summer 2022. Under the guidance of Stacey Oliva, the goal was to make significant changes to our Lobby area to transform the space into a focused, prideful area that was bright, welcoming clear in directions for visitors and instilled the pride of being a Miscoe student or staff member.  Upton Men’s Club were on board to provide the funding for this larger projects ($3100) Through the course of several meetings, starting in 2019, Stacey Oliva listened to feedback from multiple stakeholders to determine the vision for the entire space.  She drew up professional plans of the space and worked with volunteers to insure that everything went smoothly.  This was one of our larger projects involving multiple “project Leaders”.  We painted brick (Zac Pelc, Project Leader), demolished a display case (Joe Bonapace), created a new prideful wall (Joe Bonapace, Steven Aubut and Mark Duncan), built benches and tables for function (Mark Machado), added prideful purposeful signage (Lou Corriera) and infused Miscoe’s new logo donated by Chris Moran of Moran Design.  It is our project that by far has had the biggest “WOW” factor as the Lobby has not seen any significant improvements since 1980 when the Middle School was added.


Athletics Score Board- Donated $ toward new Score Board for Miscoe Hill Athletics ($1500)


Furniture Donations- Throughout 2019-2022, WCM accepted thousands of dollars worth of office and classroom equipment to help teachers upgrade their aging furniture, much of which was from the 60’s-80’s time frame.  We also purchased equipment/furniture at discounted prices to enhance the spaces we were working on in the school.  New furniture was purchased for Teacher’s Lounge, Conference Rooms, etc.

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